The Westfjords of Iceland are famous for their shocking normal scenes and rich social history. This region highlights astounding cascades, transcending bluffs, antiquated verifiable locales, and mitigating natural aquifers.We will acquaint you with 14 features of the Westfjords and give a point by point make a trip schedule to assist you with completely encountering this wonderful and puzzling district.

Westfjords Guide and All Features

Before we start our excursion, we should get to know the geological dissemination of the Westfjords. Situated in the northwest of Iceland, the Westfjords comprise of various fjords and landmasses. Every fjord has its extraordinary view and attractions. The following are the 14 features we will investigate:

  1. Black magic in Hólmavík
  2. Drangsnes Hot Pots
  3. Old Herring Processing plant in Djúpavík
  4. Drangajökull Glacial mass
  5. Hornstrandir Nature Hold
  6. Seal Watching at Hvítanes
  7. Ísafjörður
  8. Hrafnseyri
  9. Dynjandi (Fjallfoss) Cascade
  10. Pollurinn Natural aquifer in Tálknafjörður
  11. Patreksfjörður
  12. Látrabjarg Bluffs
  13. Rauðisandur Ocean side

1. Black magic in Hólmavík

Hólmavík is one of the modest communities in the Westfjords, well known for its remarkable Exhibition hall of Black magic and Divination. This exhibition hall features the historical backdrop of black magic and sorcery in archaic Iceland. Here, you can find out about the apprehension and odd notions individuals had towards witches during that time and see different curios and displays connected with black magic.

Suggested Visit Time: 2 hours


  • Exhibition hall of Black magic
  • Middle age black magic displays
  • Exhibition hall trinket shop

2. Drangsnes Hot Pots

Subsequent to leaving Hólmavík, we head to Drangsnes, known for its regular hot pots. The hot pots are situated by the ocean, permitting you to partake in the wonderful sea view while absorbing the warm waters. The temperature is ideally suited for unwinding and restoring following a day of investigating.

Suggested Visit Time: 60 minutes


  • Coastline hot pots
  • Ideal spot to unwind
  • Wonderful sea sees

3. Old Herring Production line in Djúpavík

Djúpavík is a noteworthy town where the old herring manufacturing plant is a must-visit. Implicit the mid twentieth hundred years, this industrial facility was once one of Iceland’s biggest herring handling plants. Presently, it has been changed over into a gallery showing the creation hardware and scenes from the laborers’ lives of that period.

Suggested Visit Time: 2 hours


  • Memorable herring plant
  • Mid twentieth century creation hardware
  • Verifiable presentations of laborers’ lives

4. Drangajökull Icy mass

Drangajökull Icy mass is one of the normal miracles of the Westfjords. This glacial mass is known for its glorious frigid scenes and steep precipices. You can decide to climb or take a snowmobile visit on the icy mass to encounter its glory and magnificence.

Suggested Visit Time: A portion of a day


  • Shocking icy scenes
  • Ice sheet climbing experience
  • Snowmobile visits

5. Hornstrandir Nature Save

Hornstrandir Nature Save is a critical nature hold in the Westfjords, wealthy in verdure and offering stunning normal view. You can go climbing here, notice different untamed life, and partake in the delightful scenes.

Suggested Visit Time: At some point


  • Rich vegetation
  • Staggering normal scenes
  • Climbing amazing open doors

6. Seal Watching at Hvítanes

Hvítanes is an extraordinary spot to watch seals. Here, you can notice these delightful marine creatures very close and find out about their propensities and natural climate. Carry optics and a camera to catch these wonderful minutes.

Suggested Visit Time: 60 minutes


  • Close-up seal observing
  • Finding out about seal propensities
  • Extraordinary spot for photography

7. Ísafjörður

Ísafjörður is the biggest town in the Westfjords, offering rich social and authentic attractions. You can visit neighborhood exhibition halls, workmanship displays, and verifiable structures to encounter Iceland’s remarkable social environment. Moreover, there are numerous eateries and bistros where you can appreciate nearby food.

Suggested Visit Time: A portion of a day


  • Nearby historical centers
  • Craftsmanship exhibitions
  • Authentic structures
  • Genuine Icelandic food

8. Hrafnseyri

Hrafnseyri is an enchanting town known for its wonderful regular view and serene climate. There are many climbing trails here, permitting you to stroll along the shoreline and partake in the excellence of nature.

Suggested Visit Time: A portion of a day


  • Wonderful normal landscape
  • Serene climate
  • Climbing trails

9. Dynjandi (Fjallfoss) Cascade

Dynjandi Cascade, otherwise called Fjallfoss, is one of the most popular cascades in the Westfjords. This cascade is 100 meters high, with water flowing down like white silk from the mountain, causing a dynamite situation. There are a few review focuses around the cascade, ideal for photography and partaking in the view.

Suggested Visit Time: 60 minutes


  • Dynamite cascade sees
  • Numerous review focuses
  • Extraordinary spot for photography

10. Pollurinn Underground aquifer in Tálknafjörður

The unassuming community of Tálknafjörður is known for its normal Pollurinn underground aquifer. The underground aquifer is arranged in a wonderful fjord, with moderate water temperature, permitting you to partake in the regular magnificence while absorbing the warm waters.

Suggested Visit Time: 60 minutes


  • Regular natural aquifer
  • Delightful fjord sees
  • Incredible spot to unwind

11. Patreksfjörður

Patreksfjörður is a little fishing town in the Westfjords, wealthy in marine assets and lovely shore. You can encounter the town life, taste new fish, or participate in exercises like fishing and sailing.

Suggested Visit Time: A portion of a day


  • Town valuable experience
  • New fish
  • Fishing and sailing exercises

12. Látrabjarg Bluffs

Látrabjarg Bluffs are perhaps of the most fantastic precipice in Iceland, standing 440 meters high and diving straight into the Atlantic Sea. There are a few survey focuses on the precipices where you can ignore the sea and encompassing wonderful view. Furthermore, this is an incredible spot for bird watching, with numerous seabirds settling on the bluffs.

Suggested Visit Time: 60 minutes


  • Stupendous bluff perspectives
  • Different survey focuses
  • Bird observing

13. Rauðisandur Ocean side

Rauðisandur Ocean side is known for its remarkable red sand, an uncommon sight in Iceland. The view here is extremely gorgeous, ideal for strolling and photography. There are additionally a few little eateries around the ocean side where you can appreciate food and unwind.

Suggested Visit Time: 2 hours


  • Extraordinary red sand ocean side
  • Wonderful landscape
  • Little cafés and food


The 14 features of the Westfjords offer a different scope of movement encounters. From the noteworthy herring plant to the dynamite cascade, from the peaceful natural aquifers to the transcending precipices, every fascination here is loaded with one of a kind appeal. Whether you appreciate regular scenes, verifiable culture, or open air exercises, the Westfjords can address your issues.

By arranging and orchestrating your outing appropriately, you can insight however many of the Westfjords’ delightful sights and societies as could be expected under the circumstances in a restricted time. Pack your camera, prepare for a remarkable outing, and leave on an extraordinary excursion toward the Westfjords!

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